1. PERTINENT (ADJECTIVE): (प्रासंगिक): relevant
Synonyms: to the point apposite
Antonyms: irrelevant
Example Sentence:
She asked me a lot of very pertinent questions.
2. EMBELLISH (VERB): (अधिक रोचक बनाना): elaborate
Synonyms: embroider, exaggerate
Antonyms: simplify
Example Sentence:
Followers often embellish stories about their heroes.
3. JUDICIAL (ADJECTIVE): (न्यायिक): legal
Synonyms: judiciary, juridical
Antonyms: illegal
Example Sentence:
There would be a judicial inquiry into the allegations.
4. FACTION (NOUN): (अंदरूनी कलह): infighting
Synonyms: dissension, dissent
Antonyms: harmony
Example Sentence:
The army faction strengthened day by day.
5. DESPERATE (ADJECTIVE): (निराशाजनक): despairing
Synonyms: hopeless, anguished
Example Sentence:
As the supply of food ran out, people became desperate.
8. SETBACK (NOUN): (स्र्कावट): problem
Synonyms: difficulty, issue
Antonyms: breakthrough
Example Sentence:
The violent attack was a serious setback for the peace process.
9. DISSEMINATION (NOUN): (प्रसार): spreading
Synonyms: circulation distribution
Antonyms: suppressing
Example Sentence:
The dissemination of public information was essential.
10. DRAB (ADJECTIVE): (बेरंग): colourless
Synonyms: grey, dull
Antonyms: bright
Example Sentence:
The landscape was drab and grey.
1. PLAUSIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (विश्वसनीय): credible
Synonyms: reasonable, believable
Antonyms: unlikely
Example Sentence:
He gave a plausible explanation of how he got into acting.
2. TRANSGRESSION (NOUN):(उल्लंघन) : offence
Synonyms: crime, sin
Antonyms: obedience
Example Sentence:
I'll be keeping an eye out for further transgressions.
3. THRILL (VERB): (रोमांचित करना): excite
Synonyms: stimulate, arouse
Antonyms: bore
Example Sentence:
Frankly, jumping off a cliff doesn't thrill me at all.
4. CONFISCATE (VERB): (ज़ब्त करना): impound
Synonyms: seize, commandeer
Antonyms: return
Example Sentence:
The guards immediately confiscated his camera.
5. NEGLIGENCE (NOUN): (लापरवाही): carelessness
Synonyms: dereliction of duty, neglect
Antonyms: conscientiousness
Example Sentence:
She got injured due to the negligence of his employers.
6. SLASH (VERB): (कम करना): reduce
Synonyms: cut, drop
Antonyms: raise
Example Sentence:
The workforce has been slashed by 2,000.
7. REPEAL (NOUN): (निरसन): revocation
Synonyms: rescinding, cancellation
Antonyms: introduction
Example Sentence:
The House voted in favour of repeal.
8. DEPRIVED (ADJECTIVE): (वंचित): disadvantaged
Synonyms: underprivileged, poverty
Antonyms: fortunate
Example Sentence:
The charity cares for destitute and deprived children.
9. SLUMP (VERB): (गिरावट आना): decline
Synonyms: deteriorate, degenerate
Antonyms: improve
Example Sentence:
United slumped to another one–nil defeat.
10. LETHAL (ADJECTIVE): (घातक): fatal
Synonyms: deadly, mortal
Antonyms: harmless
Example Sentence:
The Krakatoa eruption was the most lethal on record.
Vocifero- कोलाहलपूर्ण
Proclivity- झुकाव
Penchant- रुचि
Inculcate- मन में बिठाना
Arcane- गुप्त
Entourage- परिजन
Dusk- गोधूलि वेला
Clothesline- अलगनी
Audacity- गुस्ताख़ी
Enunciate- स्पष्ट रूप से कहना
Epitome- प्रतिमान
Genesis- उत्पत्ति
Hurtle- तड़ तड़ या खड़ खड़ शब्द करते हुए आगे बढ़ना
Husky- भारी
Disparate- पृथक्
Equanimity- धैर्य
Salutary- गुणकारी
Myriad- अनगिनत संख्या/दस सहस्त्र
Mendicant- भिक्षु
Nepotism- भाई भतीजावाद
Bevy- टोली
Oblivious- बेखबर
Fallible- पतनशील
Redact- संशोधन करना
Amicable- मित्रवत्
Forcible- बलसम्पादित
Effrontery- धृष्टता
Indigence- कगांली
Quagmire- दलदल
Plaintive- दुख भरा
Abate- कम होना
Backbite- चुगली करना
Debauch- भ्रष्ट करना
Ebullience- शक्ति
Facile- सुगम
Gaiety- हर्षोल्लास का वातावरण
Haemorrhage- खूनका बहाव
Latrology- औषध विज्ञान
Jamboree- जमावड़ा
Keepsake- निशानी
Laggard- सुस्त
Macabre- वीभत्स
Nascence- नयापन
Obdurate- ज़िद्दी
Palliate- कम करना
Quack- नीम हकीम
Rabid- पागल
Sacerdotal- पुरोहिती/याजकीय
Tacit- मौन
Ubiquitous- सर्वव्यापी
Vacillate- निश्चय न कर पाना
Waft- झोंका
Xanthippe- झगडालू स्त्री
Yammer- चिल्लाना
Zany- सनकी
Abase- नीचा दिखाना
Backfire- उल्टी प्रतिक्रिया होना
Cacography- अशुद्ध शब्द विन्यास
Abandon- छोड़ना
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